FUMC Youth’s Philosophy on Youth Ministry
To make disciples of Jesus Christ who seek to grow in relationship with God and others for the transformation of the world.
We envision all of our students knowing that God loves them and there is nothing they can do about that. This will be demonstrated by their eagerness to learn the bible and bring it to youth group, willingness to seek out God in the world around them and come along side what God is doing in their community and beyond.
We value:
– The bible which is our primary resource in youth ministry
– Making disciples of Jesus Christ through God’s grace for ourselves and others
– Places and spaces for students to encounter prevenient, justifying and sanctifying grace
– Loving people by building relationships and community (i.e. Students, parents, members,
adult volunteers and those beyond our walls)
– Creating safe environments for students to encounter Christ
– Peer to peer ministry and youth led ministry
– Adult volunteers, their ministry and continual development/ training of those adults
– Parent partnerships and ministry
– Spiritual growth and development
– Transforming our community and world through service (Trying to see what God sees & come along side God in
bringing heaven to earth)
Specific Programming for all campuses
Confirmation at our Ministry Building (Fall & Spring): 12:30 PM for 7th-12th grade students enrolled in program
FUMC Youth Group (Fall & Spring): 6-7:30 PM for Jr. High & High School students at our Ministry Building (430 Lamar Ave.) unless other wise posted.
For more information, contact one of our ministry staff.